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How to create a Flash-player for your audio files?

1. Start Fun SoundPlayer Maker.

2. In the "Template" tab select the item "Buble [mini]" or any other that you like. This template will be used as a Flash-player skin.

Select a template for the flash player

3. Go to the "Settings" tab where you can select audio files to be listed and played in your flash player. For this purpose press the button outlined with red on the picture.


4. In the window "Open" select the audio files you want. Then press the button "Open"

Select audio files

5. Adjust the player size.

Adjust the player size

6. Choose colors for the player: the player's background, buttons and borders. Use the button outlined in red on the picture to change color of an object.

Set colors for the player

7. Go to the "Publish" tab to save the created Flash-player. Select the menu item "Save SWF only". Thus you will save only the SWF file.

Save the player

8. Press the button "Publish" to continue the flash-player saving.

Save the player

9. In the dialog box "Save As" select a folder to save the flash-player. Press the button "Save".

Dialog box Save as

10. In the opening dialog box press the button "Ok" to finish teh saving process. If you want to see the output file right now, activate the "Open result" check box.

Finich the proces of saving

11. The Flash player is ready for use!