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4Musics WAV to WMA Converter - One-way WAV to WMA converting4Musics WAV to WMA Converter 4.1

 One-way WAV to WMA converting at high converting speed!Main Features: - converting in one click!- high speed;- setting resulting format options;- automatic source deleting;- drag and drop support;- skin support;- editor of tags.

Related keywords: convert, WAV, WMA, CD files format, decoder, encoder, 4musics, music, wave, converter, Audio, sound, files, CD, format

4Musics MP3 Bitrate Changer - Fast & simple bitrate changer for MP3 files.4Musics MP3 Bitrate Changer 5.0

 4Musics MP3 Bitrate Changer is a compact tool to change bitrate for MP3 files to affect their size. The tool can convert MP3 file in one click from Windows Explorer using shell presets. Built-in editor, automatic source deleting.

Related keywords: mp3, bitrate, bitrate changer, change, mp3 converter, change bitrate, change mp3 bitrate, mp3 encoder, encoder, changer, converter

4Musics OGG to MP3 Converter - Converts OGG to all formats!4Musics OGG to MP3 Converter 4.2

 Converts OGG to all formats at high converting speed!Main Features: - converting in one click!- high speed;- setting resulting format options;- automatic source deleting;- drag and drop support;- skin support;- editor of tags.

Related keywords: WAV, M4A, mpeg, decoder, encoder, 4musics, music, Vorbis, RA, sound, convert, AMR_WB, MP3, AMR_NB, OGG, WMA, CD files format, MP2, converter, Audio, files, CD, format

Audio To MIDI VST (MAC) - Polyphonic WIDI Audio To MIDI VST plugin.Audio To MIDI VST (MAC) 1.10

 WIDI Audio To MIDI VST plugin for automatic audio track to MIDI conversion. With this plugin, turn an audio record into MIDI, use any musical instrument for real-time control over a MIDI synthesizer, add MIDI-driven effects while playing...

Related keywords: wave to midi, os x, recognition, widi, to, VST, chord recognition, midi, mac, plugin, audio to midi, music recognition, Cubase, x, chord, os, audio, music, wave

DeepBurner - Powerful and FREE CD and DVD burning packageDeepBurner 1.9

 DeepBurner is an advanced and extremely powerful CD and DVD burning package that comes absolutely for FREE. It removes the hassle of making CDs, DVDs, autoruns, creating labels and booklets.

Related keywords: authoring, CD burning, DVD burning, burning, CD, DVD

4Musics WMA to WAV Converter - One-way WMA to WAV converting!4Musics WMA to WAV Converter 4.1

 One-way WMA to WAV converting at high converting speed!Main Features: - converting in one click!- high speed;- setting resulting format options;- automatic source deleting;- drag and drop support;- skin support;- editor of tags.

Related keywords: WAV, decoder, CD, encoder, 4musics, music, sound, convert, WMA, mpeg files format, wave, converter, Audio, files, mpeg, format

J. River MEDIA CENTER - Complete media solution audio video images TVJ. River MEDIA CENTER 20.0.63

 Complete media solution for large libraries. Organize, play, tag all media files. Rip, Burn, serve to Xbox, PS3, UPnP, DLNA, TiVo. Audiophile quality, Ten foot mode, remote control, Netflix, Hulu, Youtube. Automatic DirectShow configuration.

Related keywords: media, frontend, WAV, video player, encode, zones, photo manager, HTPC, tag, DVD, mp3, multimedia, rip, FLAC, UPnP, burn, PSP, media player, jukebox, audiophile, streaming, TiVo, organize, media center, DirectShow, DLNA, Youtube, player, Hulu, TV, Netflix, photo, video, center, manager

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