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Ringtone Keypress - Generate Nokia Ringtone keypressRingtone Keypress 1.0

 Accept Midi file and RTL file as input, Generate Nokia Ringtone keypress

Related keywords: ringtone, keypress, ringtone keypress

CryptaFlix - Video encryption for DivX / AVI movie filesCryptaFlix 1.20

 CryptaFlix is a video player for Windows with encryption capabilities for DivX and other AVI format movies. Protect your video collection from unauthorized viewing with password protection using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

Related keywords: encrypt, video, encryption, aes, player, mpeg-4, movie, cryptaflix, avi, divx, xvid

SWF Live Preview - Create SWF thumbnails for preview in ExplorerSWF Live Preview 1.0

 This handy freeware is aimed to help you preview Flash movie files using standard Windows Explorer. Scan directories and subdirectories for Flash, create and view thumbnails for SWF and Projector EXE and see file information directly in your Explorer

Related keywords: SWF, Preview, SWF Live Preview, for, create thumbnails for SWF, Preview Flash, preview SWF in Explorer, Preview SWF, preview, thumbnails, create, Flash, Live, in, Explorer

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