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24 Channel Multi Level Meter Bridge - 24 channel Multi Level Meter24 Channel Multi Level Meter Bridge 2013

 You can monitor 8 input channels, 16 input channels or 24 input channels in realtime. Referenz Level Level America = -24 dBFS, England / Europe = -18 dBFS and Australia = -20 dBFS. Nordic n9, BBC, EBU, DIN 45406

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Amara Flash Intro and Banner Builder - Amara Flash Intro and Banner BuilderAmara Flash Intro and Banner Builder 3.33

 Amara Flash Intro and Banner Builder is the ultimate Flash text effect tool to help the web designer create and design flash animations.

Related keywords: intros, animations, web, animation, banner, amara, template, intro, Flash, banners, templates

CyberLink YouCam - Your Webcam Software fro Work & Play.CyberLink YouCam 5

 YouCam 5 is the ultimate webcam software, providing you all the tools and features you need to get the most out of your webcam.

Related keywords: webcam; face login, face, login, webcam;

JoyceCD - CD and DVD  burning has never been easierJoyceCD 2.1

 Are you tired of CD and DVD burning utilities that require a PhD in Computer Science to operate? JoyceCD is a simple, common sense data, audio and photo CD burning utility that is free of annoying dialog windows and endless confirmation requests.

Related keywords: cdwrite, write, cd, burn, dvd

CyberLink Power2Go - All-in-one Disc BurningCyberLink Power2Go 10

 Power2Go 10 is disc burning and copying software for CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs. Now with Smart Detect video and audio conversion technology.

Related keywords: disc burning, Vimeo, mobile, audio, copy, CD, Facebook, DVD, convert, video, Flickr, Blu-ray, YouTube, burn, download, burning, disc

Home Group Overhead - Sing along with God! Displays Lyrics as sung.Home Group Overhead 2.0

 Sing along with God! Overhead Slide Projection Program Displays Lyrics really huge on the screen in real time as Worship Music is Sung. You don't need a projector and you don't need any expensive software to lead the words of worship.

Related keywords: church, Presentations, lyrics, Overhead, Power Point, carols, singalong, worship, religion, sing along, powerpoint, bible study, Multimedia, hymns, Software, hymnal, Christian, religious, Slides, Audio, Home Group, bible, Home, along, sing, study, Power, Group, Point

Guitar Speed Trainer - Training software develops your guitar speedGuitar Speed Trainer 1.38

 If you want to play FAST... if you want to develop serious guitar picking speed, the Guitar Speed Trainer is a play-along training software that will help you achieve your goal. 20 minutes a day for a few weeks will make a revolution in your playing.

Related keywords: Guitar, Fast guitar, Guitar software, Improvisation, Scales, Guitar solo, Guitar speed, Guitar technique, Shredding, technique, speed, solo, Fast, software, guitar

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