My Music Tools - the music soft from the whole worldMy Music ToolsMy Music Tools - the music soft from the whole world

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CyberLink Media Suite - CyberLink Media Suite 8CyberLink Media Suite 8

 CyberLink Media Suite 8 - Create it · Play it · Organize it · Share it

Related keywords: video, Cyberlink, photograph, copy, CD, movie, slideshow, video editing, backup, avchd, blu-ray, DVD, editing

Chromatia Tuner - Chromatic Multi-Temperament Instrument TunerChromatia Tuner 4.0

 Chromatia tuner allows you to use your computer as an advanced instrument tuner with short response time, a large tuning range, and hight precision; it supports more than 30 different scales and temperaments, historic as well as modern.

Related keywords: temperament, chromatia, MIDI, tone, instrument, tuner, pitch, tune, chromatic

Flash Decompiler Trillix for Mac - Decompile Flash files on Mac.Flash Decompiler Trillix for Mac 5.3

 Flash Decompiler Mac can convert SWF to FLA or to Flex project files, depending on how they were originally created. Flash Decompiler Mac supports Flash versions up to CS5 and is able to convert Flash CS5 files to an XML-based FLA.

Related keywords: mac, swf, decompiler, to, fla, swf decompiler mac, mac swf to fla decompiler, flash decompiler mac, swf to fla mac, for, converter, flash

Blaze Audio Wave Creator - A user-friendly wave editor at its best.Blaze Audio Wave Creator 3.1

 A user-friendly wave editor at its best. Cut, copy, paste audio; crop out segments, mix files together; convert mp3; add effects such as echo, normalization, EQ, and more. You can even record your own wave files. Take control of your music!

Related keywords: wave, editor, wav editor, audio, wave edit, wave editors, wav, mp3, audio software, mp3 converter, digital audio editors, mp3 wav convert, wave editor, wave file editor, editors, file, edit, convert, digital, software, converter

Movavi Video Editor 10.0.0

 You've shot a video. What's next? Every video needs some post production or editing. Movavi Video Editor can do it all: remove unwanted footage, change the video background, add special effects, graphic, music, titles or subtitles, and much more.

Related keywords: video, editor, video enhancer, video editing software, split video, join video, video editor, editing, video effects, enhance video, movie editor, download video editor, edit video, video enhancement, video editing, crop video, video filters, deinterlace, enhance, filters, edit, movie, enhancement, split, effects, crop, enhancer, join, software, download

RadioLogger - Record and archive radio broadcastsRadioLogger 2.5

 RadioLogger is the number one solution for recording and archiving your radio broadcasts. The program can record and archive your broadcasts without restrictions, using minimal system requirements. Compression is done during recording.

Related keywords: broadcast, record, logger, encoding, mp3, history, station, archive, radio, software, ogg, air

Audition 2000 - Play all of the sound files found in a folderAudition 2000 4.5

 Audition is a small utility that will allow you to play sound files located in a disk directory. A play list is created of all sound files found in the selected folder. Sound files can be played individually, or the entire play list can be played.

Related keywords: audition, tool, braun, utility, sound, wav, multimedia, player

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