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Allok WMA MP3 Converter - WMA MP3 WAV MP2 OGG MP2 audio ConverterAllok WMA MP3 Converter 1.1.0

 Allok WMA MP3 Converter is a super and ease-to-use tool that directly converts audio format MP3,WAV(PCM,DSP,GSM,ADPCM), WMA,MP2,OGG from one format to another format. It Support batch conversion, and supports edit ID3 tags for all format audio files.

Related keywords: MP3, WMA, audio, encoder, Audio encoder, mp3 converter, WAV, OGG, Music, Sound, MP2, MP3 WMA Converter, audio converter, converter, mp3, Converter, Audio

Audio ToolBox - Audio function generatorAudio ToolBox 2.2.0

 Audio Toolbox is an audio function generator for the Macintosh. Using no additional hardware, you can produce sine, square, triangle, and sawtooth waveforms of any frequency up to 22 kHz, as well as generate noise - both pink and white.

Related keywords: function, sweep, square, sine, generator, audio, triangle, sawtooth

Midi2Wav Recorder - MIDI to Wav and MIDI to MP3 Converter.Midi2Wav Recorder 4.101

 With Midi2Wav Recorder you can convert MIDI files to Wav or MP3 using external soundfonts or your sound card synthesis. It provides batch conversion, built-in mixering and tempo control. You can change MIDI instruments, their volume and balance.

Related keywords: MP3, Wave, MIDI, Converter, Wav, Audio, Recorder, Midi2Wav

AudioCD MP3 Studio Suite - Ashampoo Music Studio 3AudioCD MP3 Studio Suite 3.10

 The complete digital music solution: Rip, edit, convert, record, repair and burn!

Related keywords: Multimedia, Music-Tools, Audio

MagicScore Maestro 6 - Music notation softwareMagicScore Maestro 6 6.201

 MagicScore Maestro is a music notation application with extended editing capabilities and internal spell-checker. It features a variety of input methods - virtual keyboard, external MIDI devices, or an extended set of musical symbols.

Related keywords: music, notation, score, software, music notation program, composing music, chord, program, editor, midi keyboard, music notation software, music notation, sheet music program, sheet, composing, Note, sheet music software, music composing software, guitar, notation editor, music composer, music score editor, midi, composer, keyboard

Easy CD-DA Extractor - CD Ripper, Audio Converter, Disc BurnerEasy CD-DA Extractor 3.1.5

 MP3 converter that is extremely easy to use. Rips audio CDs, converts audio files, edits metadata, and burns discs. Error-detective CD-ripping, very fast parallel audio conversion, and reliable disc burning.

Related keywords: mp3, to, converter, wav to mp3, wma to mp3, audio converter, mp3 converter, burning software, flac to mp3, convert mp3, music converter, wma, flac, audio, music, wav, convert, software, burning

Audio Converter - A powerful audio conversion toolsAudio Converter 8.20

 Audio Converter is a powerful audio conversion tool. It can batch convert audio files from one format to another. It supports format include WAV, MP3, OGG,WMA, RAW, VOX,CCIUT u-Law, PCM, MPC], MP2 and more.

Related keywords: to, MP3, WAV, OGG, OGG to WAV, MP3 to WAV, MP3 to WMA, MP3 to OGG, Audio Converter, WAV to MP3, WMA to MP3, WMA, OGG to MP3, WAV to OGG, Converter, Audio

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