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Free film organizer download


Read the latest articles and reviews related to film organizer:

MyFilms - MyFilms for your downloaded moviesMyFilms 6.5

 MyFilms is your perfect companion for working with your movies.Easily retrieve,search and edit movie information with ONE CLICK.Quickly decide which movie to watch.Play the movie include subtitles if needed.

Related keywords: organize, tracker, video, organise, catalog, MyFilms, collection, movie, organizer, dvd, media, organiser, film, avi, download

Booknizer - A powerful book organizer for home library.
Booknizer 10.1

 Organize all books in your home library easily with Booknizer! This book organizer offers numerous tools to work with paper, electronic and audio books. Download necessary information about your books and their authors from the internet in one click!

Related keywords: organizer, library, epub, fb2, book, mobi, epub organizer, organize library, booknizer, library organizer, fb2 organizer, book manager, isbn, organize books, home library, organize, book organizer, pdf, manager, mobi organizer, book catalog, library manager, catalog, books, home

Melomania - Multi-functional music organizer for Windows.Melomania 1.89

 Melomania is a clever music organizer with automatic adding of digital tracks and manual mode for non-digital items; information download from Internet; handy navigation across the music database, tracking of lent media, powerful search options.

Related keywords: music, software, organizer, organize music, catalog, collection, mp3 cataloguer, music catalog, music collector, music catalog software, music organizer software, music organizing software, windows music organizer, music database software, music collection software, music collection manager, music organizer, windows, cataloguer, discography, mp3, collector, organize, organizing, manager, database, artist

Filmmanager - Manage your movies easilyFilmmanager 4.6.1

 Filmmanager is a program with which you are able to manage your movies easily. With this program you are able to load information directly from the amazon database, or from an avi-file.

Related keywords: Video, DVD Library, Video Collector, Library, DVD Manager, Movie manager, DVD, Manager, Video List, Video Manager, Divx Library, Filmmanager, List, Collector, Movie, Divx, manager

Movie Organizer Deluxe - Movie database software, catalog your movies.Movie Organizer Deluxe 4.12

 Movie Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows movie collectors, hobbyists, small libraries, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their PCs.

Related keywords: collect, catalog, director, movie, movies, stars, organize, video

Movienizer - Put your movies in order with Movienizer.Movienizer 10.1

 Movienizer is the best way to organize your movies into a customizable film collection with detailed information from IMDB and your own ratings, comments and snapshots. The integrated loan manager will help you to track your movies not to lose them.

Related keywords: movie, catalog, organizer, movie collection, imdb, movie catalog, collection, dvd organizer, loan manager, blu-ray catalog, video collection, video, video organizer, movie organizer, movie collector, dvd, organize movies, dvd catalog, loan, movies, blu-ray, collector, organize, manager

Tag&Rename - Mp3 music files tag editor and organizer.Tag&Rename 3.9.14

 Music organizer: easily handles all popular digital audio files tags formats. It can fix tags using freedb, import Amazon or Discogs info, get data from files/folders names, keep files and folders organized, create play lists, export tags data, etc.

Related keywords: tag, editor, mp3, music, mp4 tag editor, rename, ogg tag editor, wav tag editor, flac tag editor, music files renamer, ID3v2 tag editor, opus tag editor, edit mp3 tags, mp3 tag editor, mp3 organizer, music tag editor, rename music folders, rename mp3, aiff tag editor, wma tag editor, files, wma, wav, renamer, opus, organizer, ogg, folders, flac, edit, aiff, mp4, ID3v2, tags

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