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Free flac tag editor download


Read the latest articles and reviews related to flac tag editor:

Codec Pack (Advanced) - Features playback and encoding codecsCodec Pack (Advanced) 8.0.1

 The Cole2k Media advanced codec package features a collection of codecs and filters for encoding/decoding a large variety of video/audio formats

Related keywords: h.264, Codec, Codec Pack, XviD, Video, h264, WavPack, ATRAC3, MP4, Codecs, mp4, DTS, DivX, AVC, TTA, Vorbis, AC3, AAC, MP3, mpeg4, OGG, h.26L, APE, FLAC, MPC, ffdshow, OFR, 3ivx, Audio, Pack

CyberLink MediaShow - CyberLink MediaShow 5CyberLink MediaShow 6

 CyberLink MediaShow 5 - Preserve Your Memories & Share Your Stories

Related keywords: Cyberlink, Media, facebook, DVD, YouTube, face tagging, Mediashow, picasa, flickr, face, tagging

KaraFun - Online karaoke library for PC, mobile devicesKaraFun 1.18

 KaraFun offers unlimited access to 11,000 karaoke songs, online and installed players, mobile application. The installed player allows to change the tempo, the pitch, add effects, record, modify the background of the lyrics, create your playlists.

Related keywords: player, karaoke, files, songs, karaoke editor, mp3 karaoke, free, vocal remover, pitch, cdg player, kfn player, karaoke player, tempo, voice recording, kok player, recording, editor, vocal, kfn, mp3, kok, remover, voice, cdg

Harmony Assistant - All-in-one software for music composing.Harmony Assistant 9.6.3i

 Harmony Assistant is a all-in-one software product for composing, playing and printing music, with digital audio capabilities. The list of features in this program is so large that it cannot be enumerated here. Just give it a try...

Related keywords: staves, gregorian, drum, chord, wind, audio, kar, midi, wav, mp3, diagram, bass, accompaniment, accordion, digital, score editor, harmonica, guitar, ogg, tablature, arranger, lute, softsynth, editor, score

Codec Pack (Standard) - Features playback and encoding codecsCodec Pack (Standard) 8.0.1

 The Cole2k Media standard codec package features a collection of codecs and filters for encoding/decoding

Related keywords: h.264, Codec, XviD, Codec Pack, h264, Video, WavPack, ATRAC3, MP4, Codecs, mp4, DTS, DivX, AVC, TTA, Vorbis, AAC, AC3, MP3, mpeg4, OGG, h.26L, APE, FLAC, MPC, OFR, ffdshow, 3ivx, Audio, Pack

MagicScore Maestro 6 - Music notation softwareMagicScore Maestro 6 6.201

 MagicScore Maestro is a music notation application with extended editing capabilities and internal spell-checker. It features a variety of input methods - virtual keyboard, external MIDI devices, or an extended set of musical symbols.

Related keywords: music, notation, score, software, music notation program, composing music, chord, program, editor, midi keyboard, music notation software, music notation, sheet music program, sheet, composing, Note, sheet music software, guitar, music composing software, music score editor, music composer, notation editor, midi, composer, keyboard

Easy CD-DA Extractor - CD Ripper, Audio Converter, Disc BurnerEasy CD-DA Extractor 3.1.5

 MP3 converter that is extremely easy to use. Rips audio CDs, converts audio files, edits metadata, and burns discs. Error-detective CD-ripping, very fast parallel audio conversion, and reliable disc burning.

Related keywords: mp3, to, converter, wav to mp3, wma to mp3, audio converter, mp3 converter, burning software, flac to mp3, convert mp3, music converter, wma, flac, audio, music, wav, convert, software, burning

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