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Video Converter Studio
Able MIDI Editor 1.3
Create and edit music with powerful features of Able MIDI Editor: basic and advanced editing tools (pitch and duration adjustment, music instrument selection), precise bar-lines arrangement manually or by ear, note map, track editor, play back.Related keywords: edit midi, editor, note editor, MIDI Editor, ringone creator, Piano Roll, sheet music editor, creator, edit, Roll, music, midi, Piano, MIDI, sheet, ringone, note, Editor
Flash Decompiler 2.6
Convert SWF to FLA and restore original FLA. Export SWF resources in JPEG, MP3, WAV and Flash Video into AVI. Decode ActionScripts and view them in different formats with a top-notch solution from Replace colors, images and more on the goRelated keywords: SWF, decompile, Flash, extract Flash sounds, export SWF, SWF decompiler, SWF to FLA, decompile Flash movie, extract action script, SWF converter, Edit SWF, to, Decompile SWF, decode Flash, decompile shockwave, decompile ActionScript, extract, FLA, convert SWF to FLA, movie, export, decompiler, Edit, sounds, ActionScript, Decompile, decode, shockwave, convert, script, action, converter
AV Voice Changer Software 7.0.62
Extraordinary voice changer to create unique voices in real time. Compatible with many voice chats, VoIP and on-line games. Change your voice using the morph tool, adding audio and backgrounds effects. Record your new voice and analyze it.Related keywords: net2phone, teamspeak, skype, instant messenger, voice changer, morph voide, ventrilo, change voice, chat, online, voip, voice, nickvoice, talk, instant, changer, change, voide, morph, messenger
MyFilms 6.5
MyFilms is your perfect companion for working with your movies.Easily retrieve,search and edit movie information with ONE CLICK.Quickly decide which movie to watch.Play the movie include subtitles if needed.Related keywords: movie, media, organiser, video, organizer, avi, download, tracker, organise, catalog, collection, film, organize, MyFilms, dvd
Audials Radiotracker 2018
Scans over 70,000 online radios, finds and records your favorite music in no time and for free. Supports wish lists, lets you opt for recording of music only in the best quality. Organizes you music collection. Offers built-in player and tag-editor.Related keywords: radio, downloader, recorder, stream ripper, audio streaming, mp3 music ripper, music, id3 tags, podcatcher, online radio, web, record online music, radio recorder, ripper, web radio, online, internet radio, web recorder, record, mp3, internet, stream, id3, streaming, audio, tags
StationPlaylist Studio 5.0
StationPlaylist Studio is an on-air broadcast playback software for the studio to provide unattended automation with a track scheduler and useful features for assisting the DJ during live shows.Related keywords: audio, audio streaming, broadcast, wav, ogg, radio broadcasting, webcasting, mp3 broadcast, audio broadcast, radio, audio player, radio station, music automation, broadcasting, music, mp3, streaming, automation, station, player
Acoustica MP3 Audio Mixer 2.471
A basic tool with graphic interface to record, overdub and mix sound, easily adjusting three standard effects (volume, pan, and playback rate). Group a number of sounds in Sound Groups for better navigation and editing. Supports MP3, WAV, WMA, RA.Related keywords: audio, mix, acoustica, mix mp3, combine tracks, audio mixer, mp3, music mix, sound editor, mix audio, audio editor, editor, mixer, mp3 mixer, tracks, music, sound, combine
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