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Video Converter Studio
Dtab 1.04
DTAB is a powerful, yet easy to use Drum Tab Editor, which includes support for TAB Importing (play drum tabs from the web), MIDI Playback, MIDI export, Custom Midi sound sets, formatted exporting and of course Printing.Related keywords: Drum, Music, Tab, Song, Notation, Drum Sheet Music, rhythm, Samples, Tabber, Beat, Drum Lessons, Midi, Drum Notation, Drum Loops, Drum Tuition, Song Writing, Sequencer, Drummer, Drum Tab, Sounds, Tuition, Lessons, Writing, Loops, Sheet
AVS DVD Copy is a most convenient and demanded software to make DVD copies, create DVD discs for home DVD Players and burn Blu-Ray/DVD/CD data discs quickly and easily. AVS DVD Copy supports wide range of media types and CD/DVD drives.Related keywords: creator, copier, copy, backup, create, cd, data, burn, dvd, iso image, burning, disc, iso, image
TrueTTY 2.95
A program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card. Supported modes are RTTY (Baudot code), ASCII (7 or 8 bits),BPSK31,QPSK31,PSK63,BPSK125,AMTOR (SITOR,NAVTEX), MFSK16, MFSK8, HF- and UHF-PACKET (AX25), DTMF.Related keywords: MFSK8, PACKET, RTTY software, BPSK, PSK31, QPSK, AX-25, SITOR, AMTOR, radio, MFSK16, NAVTEX, soundcard, SELFEC, digital mode, HAM, MFSK, FEC, mode, digital, software, RTTY
Right Autorun Pro 2.1
This application automatically creates autorun CD and slides for making business and training presentations, software CDs, CD catalogs, CD photo albums and slide-shows.Related keywords: maker, slides, autorun cd maker, presentation maker, slides creator, slides maker, creator, autorun, presentation, cd
DVD Audio Extractor 7.6.0
DVD Audio Extractor is a powerful software DVD audio extracting / ripping tool. It can help you to extract audio streams from your favorite Blu-ray and DVD discs and save them in many formats.Related keywords: audio, blu-ray audio extractor, dvd audio extractor, dvd audio ripper, blu-ray, ripper, blu-ray audio ripper, dvd, extractor
Flash Optimizer 1.41
Flash Optimizer is the most powerful SWF compression solution available today with widest choice of specific optimization settings for in-depth SWF compression manipulation. It dramatically reduces Flash animation size - ideal for Web delivery.Related keywords: Flash, SWF, Flash Optimizer, SWF Compression, Optimizer, optimize Flash, Flash compression, SWF Optimizer, Flash optimization, SWF compressor, Compress SWF, optimization, compression, Compression, Compress, compressor, optimize
Flasher Suite 1.0
Flasher Suite - The best-selling suite for a professional developer! Flasher Suite combines two award-winning Flash design tools on the market: best-known Flash Optimizer and the most user-friendly and powerful Flash Decompiler.Related keywords: SWF, reduce SWF file size, SWF compression, Flash Decompiler, Decompile SWF, Flash Optimizer, Extract SWF, SWF decoder, Flash, SWF Converter, SWF Optimization, Decompile, file, size, decoder, compression, reduce, Optimizer, Optimization, Extract, Decompiler, Converter
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