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Easy CD-DA Extractor - CD Ripper, Audio Converter, Disc BurnerEasy CD-DA Extractor 3.1.5

 MP3 converter that is extremely easy to use. Rips audio CDs, converts audio files, edits metadata, and burns discs. Error-detective CD-ripping, very fast parallel audio conversion, and reliable disc burning.

Related keywords: mp3, to, converter, wav to mp3, wma to mp3, audio converter, mp3 converter, burning software, flac to mp3, convert mp3, music converter, wma, flac, audio, music, wav, convert, software, burning

JukeBox Tools - Rip, Encode, Edit, Play MP3 or OGG and more.JukeBox Tools 5.0

 6 programs: Rip CD, Encode MP3 or Ogg, Record LP's or Tapes, Visual audio editor splitter, Auto recorder for LP and Cassette ripping and gap less recordings.Play MP3, OGG, WMA files in full featured JukeBox, ID3 Tagging, Album creation and more.

Related keywords: lame, wma, jukebox, edit, encode, rename, Ogg, decode, grabber, CD, media, splitter, music, tag, Vorbis, freedb, aspi, MP3, ripper, rip, LP, burn, normalize, ID3

Audio ToolBox - Audio function generatorAudio ToolBox 2.2.0

 Audio Toolbox is an audio function generator for the Macintosh. Using no additional hardware, you can produce sine, square, triangle, and sawtooth waveforms of any frequency up to 22 kHz, as well as generate noise - both pink and white.

Related keywords: function, sweep, square, sine, generator, audio, triangle, sawtooth

Movkit DVD Copy - Copy DVDdvd movie to blank DVD disc.Movkit DVD Copy 2.5.6

 Movkit DVD Copy is a powerful tool to create perfect picture quality DVD backups,You willget real DVD copies of your DVD collection winthin 30-40 minutes without any loss ofquality.

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 Download your own ringtones by simply playing any song using the virtual piano. Also available a huge variety of real tone mp3 songs, m4r songs, midi songs are available for downlond in your mobile. iPhone, iphone, android, nokia, symbian.

Related keywords: ringtones, blackberry, symbian, android, ring tones, free ringtones, composer, iphone, realtones, nokia, ring, ring tone, ringtone, mp3 ringtones, free, mp3, tone, tones

Passion Audio Player - Audio Player, sonique, winamp plugins supportPassion Audio Player 4.0

 The Audio Player for those who have passion with PCs and Music. It uses the BASS API by It's Main features Are: Excellent Playback Quality, Skins , Equalizer, Playlist, freedb support, Sonique vis plugins, Winamp DSP plugins, File TAGS

Related keywords: Player, skins, MP3, winamp, XM, WAV, sonique plugins, S3M, winamp skins, BASS, freedb support, ID3v1, CD Player, IT,, MP1, plugins, Video Player, TAGS, WMV, MO3, ID3v2 , OGG, MOD, WMA, winamp plugins, Audio Player, MP3 Player, MP2, MTM, UMX, Video, CD, support, sonique, freedb, ID3v2, Audio

Mixere - free multitrack audio file mixerMixere 1.0.82

 Mixere is a free Windows application for mixing audio files. Its simple, spreadsheet-like interface is ideal for live performance, and especially sound collage. Dynamic looping, fully automated sliders, gradual mute/solo operations, and more.

Related keywords: multitrack, collage, sound, audio, mixer

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