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Acoustica Spin It Again - Convert your LPs & tapes to digital sound.Acoustica Spin It Again 2.5_b42

 Acoustica Spin It Again is an LP and tape recording software with excellent noise and click removal feature. The wizard driven program will record sound, split the recording into multiple tracks, create audio files in MP3, WAV or burns them to CD.

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Fast MIDI to MP3 Converter - Fast MIDI to WAV, MIDI to MP3 converter.Fast MIDI to MP3 Converter 6.1

 Fast MIDI to MP3 Converter transfers MIDI files to WAV, MP3, WMA, and OGG with customizable bitrates and sound quality, ID3 tags. Make your MIDIs sound like performed on real instruments with MIDI to MP3 conversion based on Soundfonts. Try it now!

Related keywords: to, midi, wav, sound, mp3, mid, converter, batch conversion, convert mid to wav, soundfont, midi to wav converter, cd audio quality, midi converter, sound tools, midi to wav, midi to mp3, convert, sound apps, convert mid to mp3, midi to mp3 converter, mid to wav, sound editing, apps, editing, tools, conversion, audio, quality, cd, batch

MIDI Converter Studio - High quality MIDI to MP3 (WAV) conversion.MIDI Converter Studio 9.1

 MIDI Converter Studio is intuitive application that converts MIDI to MP3, WAV, OGG and WMA formats easily. All you need to do is to drag and drop a MIDI file, the program automatics does the rest. Try to convert using Soundfonts and enjoy the sound.

Related keywords: to, midi, mp3, convert midi to mp3, mid, converter, kar to mp3, midi to cda, mid to mp3, midi to audio cd, wav, midi convertor, midi to ogg, miditowav, miditomp3, mid converter, midi2wav, midi to wav, midi2mp3, midi to mp3 converter, midi to wma, mid to wav, wma, kar, ogg, with, cda, audio, soundfonts, convert, cd, convertor

DiskInternals Recovery for iPod - Quickly restore lost music from iPod.DiskInternals Recovery for iPod 1.0

 DiskInternals Recovery for iPod is a recovery tool for lost or corrupted data. It can undelete and restore music in mp3, wma, wav formats in five steps using PowerSearch technology. Pre-listen recoverable files with the iPod recovery software.

Related keywords: ipod, undelete, recovery, recover ipod, undelete ipod, recover, recover files on ipod, data recovery, iPod recovery, files, on, data, iPod

MIDI to WAV Converter - Convert MIDI to WAV and more with soundfonts.MIDI to WAV Converter 8.2

 Simple but effective tool to convert MIDI to WAV, MP3, WMA, or OGG audio formats in two ways:

Related keywords: midi, to, wav, convert, midi with soundfonts, mp3, midi to ogg, midi to wav converter, convert midi to mp3, midi converter, convert midi to wav, with, soundfonts, convert midi, play midi with soundfonts, midi to wav, midi to mp3, midi to wma, converter, wma, ogg, play

Music Duplicate Remover - Sure way to get rid of all MP3 duplicates!Music Duplicate Remover 9.2

 Music Duplicate Remover saves your disk space by removing duplicates. It finds them by comparing sound or by ID3 tags and deletes duplicates automatically or using parameters set by user: folder, file extension and bit rate to be kept or deleted.

Related keywords: duplicate, duplicates, find, remove, delete duplicates, files, file, duplicate remove, duplicate file finder, duplicate file, duplicate finder, dedup, delete duplicate, mp3, mp3 duplicate remover, delete, remove duplicates, find duplicate files, undup, find duplicate, finder, duplicate files, remover, find duplicates, duplicate remover, find mp3 duplicates, remove music duplicates, music

Power Mixer - Complete Windows volume control replacement.Power Mixer 2.10

 Power Mixer is a capable audio mixer to replace the standard Windows volume control. It offers the audio mixer, OSD, command line support, customizable presets, and a scheduler. Now you can control sound with hot keys or with your mouse.

Related keywords: mixer, volume, volume presets, audio mixer, volume control, sound mixer, volume mixer, audio, power mixer, control, windows audio mixer, windows, presets, power, sound, replacement

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