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Free wave file editor download


Cucusoft iPad/iPhone/iPod to Computer Transfer - The most powerful iPod/iPhone/iPad backup.Cucusoft iPad/iPhone/iPod to Computer Transfer 7.8.0

 Cucusoft iPad/iPhone/iPod to Computer Transfer is an easy to use iPad/iPod/iPhone utility designed to help you backup all your files from your iPad/iPod/iPhone. Keep your iPad/iPod/iPhone safe.

Related keywords: ipod, to, ipod transfer, ipod to pc, ipad to computer, ipod to computer, ipod backup, computer, pc, transfer, backup, ipad

Drumsite - The most realistic drums creation tool.Drumsite 1.5

 The most realistic drums creation tool - unleashes your creativity. Features multi-samples support, effects (equalizer, reverb etc.), WAV, MP3, OGG Vorbis file support, pattern banks, custom drumsets, triggered fade-offs supports, MIDI import.

Related keywords: drums, drums software, drum machines, audio generators, sequencers, samplers, drum, generators, audio, software, machines

Oxygen FM Manager - Oxygen FM Manager for Nokia mobile phonesOxygen FM Manager 2.0

 Oxygen FM Manager for Nokia mobile phones is designed to give you full control over FM Radio. Load FM station presets from the phone to the PC's memory, easily edit them and upload them back with couple of mouse clicks.

Related keywords: nokia, station, fm, oxygen, radio, manager, tuner, wave, preset

MagicScore Maestro 6 - Music notation softwareMagicScore Maestro 6 6.201

 MagicScore Maestro is a music notation application with extended editing capabilities and internal spell-checker. It features a variety of input methods - virtual keyboard, external MIDI devices, or an extended set of musical symbols.

Related keywords: music, notation, score, software, music notation program, composing music, chord, program, editor, midi keyboard, music notation software, music notation, sheet music program, sheet, composing, Note, sheet music software, music composing software, guitar, notation editor, music composer, music score editor, midi, composer, keyboard

Acoustica MP3 Audio Mixer - Acoustica MP3 Audio Mixer 2.471

 A basic tool with graphic interface to record, overdub and mix sound, easily adjusting three standard effects (volume, pan, and playback rate). Group a number of sounds in Sound Groups for better navigation and editing. Supports MP3, WAV, WMA, RA.

Related keywords: audio, mix, editor, acoustica, mix mp3, combine tracks, audio mixer, mp3, music mix, sound editor, mixer, mix audio, mp3 mixer, audio editor, tracks, music, sound, combine

VCX Library - Real-time RTP streaming COM componentsVCX Library 3.0.2012.04

 Real-time RTP audio streaming components for voice chat, conference, VoIP applications providing real-time low latency audio streaming over TCP/IP networks

Related keywords: wave mixer, recording, RTP, streaming, audio, RTSP, playback, chat, IP conference, voice, real-time, conference, mixer, IP, wave

Sound Byte - Computerized cart machineSound Byte 4.7.6

 Sound Byte is a computerized cart machine. It is very similar to the so-called cart machines used at radio stations in the past. Each recording - a jingle, advertisement, etc, was on a cartidge, which could be quickly selected and played.

Related keywords: cart machine, recording, automated, aiff, radio station automation, sound, mp3, microphone, wave, automation, machine, cart, station, radio

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