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Video Converter Studio
SharpEye 2.68.01
Scan music with our highly acclaimed music scanning software SharpEye. You can use SharpEye to scan and convert printed sheet music into a music notation file or a MIDI file which can then be imported into a music notation program or MIDI sequencer.Related keywords: music, SharpEye, ocr, software, scanning, program, scan music, music ocr program, music scanning software, notation, music ocr software, SharpEye program, scan sheet music, SharpEye software, sheet, sheet music, music notation ocr, scan, music scanning program, visiv, music scanning
VIDEOzilla 3.7
Videozilla is a complete video conversion tool for video files AVI, MPEG, RM, MOV, ASF, WMV, SWF, FLV, F4V, MPEG-4 (iPhone/iPad/MP4/IPOD/Mobile/PSP/Tablet), 3GP, 3G2, M4V, MKV, VOB, DAT, WEBM, OGM, OGV, Blu-ray, MTS, M2T, M2TS, TS, HD-Video.Related keywords: converter, mov, mp4, flash, flv, ipod, iPad converter, mpeg, mp4 converter, decoder, mpeg converter, to, encoder, flv converter, mkv converter, H.264 converter, mov to mpeg, video, mov to avi, video converter, videozilla, 3gp converter, video conversion, flash converter, 3gp, H.264, mkv, avi, iPad, conversion
Mediaraptor 9.1.18203.300
Find, record, download, convert and enjoy music and movies online. Capture Videos, Movies and Music. Record music in any format. Includes an Internet video downloader and a recorder for music, video and film streams.Related keywords: Video, Lovefilm, Music, Screen, Streaming, Streams, Movie, DVD, convert, Rip, stream, Hulu, Capture, Ripper, Converter, Netflix, Cloud, Amazon, Recorder, Audio
onlineTV gives you access to TV live streams, radio stations, webcams and more. Listen to your local stations. Read the latest news of your daily newspaper ...Related keywords: Streams, webradio, TV, Live, onlineradio
DVD-Cloner 14.20
DVD-Cloner 2017 is a top-class one-click solution to make 1:1 DVD copy with perfect quality. It supports for copying your latest DVD movies with all known DVD copy protections.Related keywords: DVD, DVD Cloner, DVD burner, DVD copy, copy, burner, Cloner
BpmChecker 4.0
Determine the tempo or BPM of a song or other piece of music by manually tapping along with the music, using your pc keyboard. Includes automatic missed beat detection, playing of a music file through your player and adding the bpm to the file.Related keywords: beat, keyboard, manual, key, beats per minute, tap, tool, music, tapping, tag, wav, mp3, beat rate, count, song, BPM, follow, detection, add, time, using keyboard, find, file name, bpm, check, manually, tempo, determine, detect, average, checker, filename, ID3, counter, counting, file, rate, beats, name, per, minute, using
KoolMoves 9.8.4
Html5 animation is easy with KoolMoves. It is ideal for animated web pages, banners, navigation systems, and slide shows. It lets you combine and manipulate text, images, shapes, and sounds to create Html5 web pages animations.Related keywords: html5, animation, effects, authoring, export, animated, multimedia, jquery mobile, html5 effects, html5 export, slideshows, AVI, text effects, easy to use, swf, media players, image effects, Android app export, html5 animation, media, app, jquery, players, mobile, to, use, text, image, easy, Android
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