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Blaze MediaConvert - Powerful all-in-one multimedia converter.Blaze MediaConvert 4.0

 Powerful multimedia batch converter supporting conversion among over 140 image, audio, animation and video formats! Supported formats include CD, MP3, WMA, OGG, WAV, AVI, MPEG, WMV, FLV, 3GP, BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, PCX, PNG, PSD, TGA, WMF and more!

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Free M4a to MP3 Converter - Free tool to convert M4A to MP3, AAC to MP3!Free M4a to MP3 Converter 9.2

 Free M4a to MP3 Converter is a free software developed exclusively to convert M4A to MP3, AAC to MP3 with only a few but essential extras: customizable quality of output file, ID3 tags support, batch mode, built-in player. Download it now, it's free!

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MP3 Speed Changer 3.01

 MP3 Speed Changer enables you to speed up audio files - podcasts, audiobooks without changing the pitch. Batch processing feature and easy-to-use interface make MP3 Speed Changer valuable tool for audio listeners and authors who want to save time.

Related keywords: audio, MP3, speed, tempo, speech, audio track, pitch, changer, save time, video, audio material, MPEG, tempo changer, podcasts, audiobooks, AVI, OGG, WMA, faster audio, slow down, speed changer, speed up, faster, save, down, time, up, track, slow, material

AV Voice Changer Software - Real-time voice changer for fun and work.AV Voice Changer Software 7.0.62

 Extraordinary voice changer to create unique voices in real time. Compatible with many voice chats, VoIP and on-line games. Change your voice using the morph tool, adding audio and backgrounds effects. Record your new voice and analyze it.

Related keywords: net2phone, teamspeak, skype, instant messenger, voice changer, morph voide, ventrilo, change voice, chat, online, voip, voice, nickvoice, talk, instant, changer, change, voide, morph, messenger

MIDI to WAV Converter - Convert MIDI to WAV and more with soundfonts.MIDI to WAV Converter 8.2

 Simple but effective tool to convert MIDI to WAV, MP3, WMA, or OGG audio formats in two ways:

Related keywords: midi, to, wav, convert, midi with soundfonts, mp3, midi to ogg, midi to wav converter, convert midi to mp3, midi converter, convert midi to wav, with, soundfonts, convert midi, play midi with soundfonts, midi to wav, midi to mp3, midi to wma, converter, wma, ogg, play

Magic RM/RAM to MP3/WAV Converter - Convert RM to MP3, RAM to WAV in a few clicksMagic RM/RAM to MP3/WAV Converter 3.72

 Magic RM RAM to MP3 Converter is a small but capable tool to convert Real Audio files (.rm, .ra, .ram) to MP3 or WMA, WAV files. It also offers to extract audio from Real Video, AVI, MPEG, WMV files. Convert multiple MP3 just in a few clicks.

Related keywords: mp3, to, rm, convert, easy rm to mp3, ram to mp3 converter, convert rm to mp3, rm to mp3 converter, ram, ra to mp3, rm mp3 convert, convert ram to mp3, converter, ra, easy

AV Webcam Morpher - Modify your webcam output in real time.AV Webcam Morpher 2.0.53

 Webcam Morpher is a great tool to change your identity for online communication. Use the preinstalled or create unique nickfaces and nickvoices to use in many VIM applications. Apply audio and video effects to morph you voice and image in real time.

Related keywords: software, webcam, chat, protect identity, video chat software, webcam software, webcam chat software, webcam morpher, disguise chat, web camera software, video, protect, web, morpher, camera, identity, disguise

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