My Music Tools - the music soft from the whole worldMy Music ToolsMy Music Tools - the music soft from the whole world

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J. River MEDIA CENTER - Complete media solution audio video images TV
J. River MEDIA CENTER 20.0.63

 Complete media solution -- audio video images TV webmedia DLNA HTPC

Related keywords: media, frontend, WAV, video player, encode, zones, photo manager, HTPC, tag, DVD, mp3, multimedia, FLAC, rip, UPnP, burn, PSP, media player, jukebox, audiophile, streaming, TiVo, organize, media center, DirectShow, DLNA, Youtube, player, Hulu, TV, Netflix, photo, video, center, manager

aGuitar Pro 2.01

 All in one Guitar Software. Includes Tabviewer,ear training exercises,much more!

Related keywords: generator, chord generator, chord, aguitar, viewer, scale, pro, tab, aguitar pro, tab viewer, bass, playing, chords, tuning, theory, guitar, finder, midi, tune, drums, tabs, scale generator, player, build, strings, builder, scales

Audition 2000 - Play all of the sound files found in a folder
Audition 2000 4.5

 Play all of the sound files found in a folder.

Related keywords: tool, sound, wav, multimedia, audition, braun, utility, player

OtsDJ 1.75.008

 Revolutionary CD/MP3 Radio and DJ/VJ software, auto mixing, auto volume levels

Related keywords: DJ, MP3, Ots, OtsJuke, software, Video, files, WAV, OtsJuke DJ, OTS files, CD+G, Karaoke, audio compressor, Ots Studio, pitch shifter, DJ software, radio automation software, jukebox, DJ mixing software, Ots Juke, Ots Player, MP3 files, Automated Beat Mixing, Time scaling, TV, juke box, pitch, mixing, shifter, Mixing, Automated, Juke, box, scaling, Time, audio, Studio, Beat, automation, OTS, Player, radio, compressor, juke

Sound Capture To WMA - Capture any audio from sound card with WMA.
Sound Capture To WMA

 It captures any audio from sound card with WMA format.

Related keywords: capture, audio, capture icq audio, capture sound, capture audio, capture player audio, capture music, capture IM audio, capture aol audio, capture skype audio, capture qq audio, music, yahoo, sound, qq, skype, IM, messenger, icq, Messenger, Windows, aol, player

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