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Spectrum Ananlyzer pro lab 4.3

FROM: PAS-Products
Recommended to Meet the Strict Professional Demands of Sound Analysis
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Size: 28 KB
:: New features to this program include

* Note detector
* dBFS and RMS Peak Level Meter
* Weighting filters dB(A), dB(B) and dB(C)
* 48000 hz audio stream
* wide screen compatible
* Correlation percentaged labels
* 1/3, 1/6, 1/12, 1/24 Octave displaying of the Spectrum
* Zoom function, where you can select 4 frequency ranges
* resolution from 32768 fft so you have 1,46 Hz steps per each bar in the zoom function
* Average function
* Create a jpg from the actual displayed spectum

:: The Basic Module

* Wave recording for the line in and the mic input
* Mp3 player to analyze Mp3 files (Mp2, atx)
* Two Peak Level Labels that give you control of the highest amplitude
* Peak hold option
* Generator leveling calibrated to 1/100 of a dB.
* Mp3/Wave Tools like:
* A Normalize function for wave files, Codec to convert Mp3 back to wave files,
* Split Stereo Wave file into 2 Mono files, Swap left with the right channels
* Spectrum +3dB for an overall improved monitoring of signals (less bass and more highs!)

:: Standard Features

* A Visual Pause feature in the display for instantaneous evaluation of data
* Direct comparisons with Function keys
* Recording of the Critical Data with display of Amp, db, and frequency
* Results can be saved in text files for further evaluation
* 12 programmable frequencies for evaluation
* Built-in generator monitors balance between input and output
* Calibration of Input and Output to soundcard for correct line-in level recording
* 3D Wavelet Transform Display in a scrolling-active feature
* A precise Sync to loop feature with documented frequency analysis

:: The Print Module Print function for a frozen Spectrum with free eligibility labels, colors, and info text arrangements. You can create your own labels and save information about the measurements you record.

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