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1st MP3 Tag Editor - MP3 tagger, renamer and organizer in one.1st MP3 Tag Editor 5.91

 1st MP3 Tag Editor can edit existing MP3 tags and download missing album information from Amazon or FreeDB. It allows generating of tags from filenames and renaming of files using ID3 tags. Export MP3 tags to a CSV file or import tags from such file.

Related keywords: mp3, id3, mp3 tagger, m4a, ape, id3 renamer, flac, editor, import tags from cddb, id3 tag editor, tag, aac, mp3 renamer, freedb, renamer, rename mp3, tags, edit mp3 tags, id3 tagger, mp3 tag editor, tagger, cddb, edit, rename, from, import

Allok Video Joiner - Fast and reliable video joiner and converterAllok Video Joiner 4.6.0529

 Allok Video Joiner is a capable utility to join multiple AVI, Divx, XviD, MPEG, WMV, ASF, RM, MOV, 3GP, MP4, FLV files into one file and to convert it to any of the popular video formats for players, mobile phones or portable devices.

Related keywords: join, join AVI, join MPEG, AVI joiner, join movie, joiner, WMV, video joiner, join video, AVI, MPEG Joiner, WMV Joiner, video, join WMV, DIVX, Joiner, MPEG, XVID, movie

Allok Video Splitter - Split by parts, size or time and convert.Allok Video Splitter 3.1.1117

 Powerful video cutter and converter for the AVI, DivX, Xvid, MPEG, WMV, ASF, RM, MOV, 3GP, FLV, MP4 formats. Provides various splitting modes: by parts, size, time and allows to cut out a video fragment by setting markers. Adjustable output settings.

Related keywords: Splitter, split, split MPEG, video splitter, MPEG Splitter, split AVI, split video, WMV, MOV Splitter, AVI, RM Splitter, split WMV, video, MPG Splitter, WMV Splitter, MPEG, AVI Splitter, MPG, splitter, MOV, RM

Easy MP3 Cutter - Small but fast and powerful MP3, WAV Cutter!Easy MP3 Cutter 3.0

 Choose Easy MP3 Cutter to split your WAV, MP3, APE, and WMA files quickly and with original quality preserved. Different options allow you to cut MP3 files into equal parts by time, number of resulting parts, size of output files or pause detection.

Related keywords: split, splitter, mp3, wav, cutter, split with CUE, wma split, split mp3, ape, mp3 splitter, wma, wav splitter, wav cutter, split audio, split wav, audio editing, mp3 cutter, cue splitter, divide mp3, pause detection, cut wav, split at pauses, audio, cut, cut mp3, wma splitter, ape cutter, ape splitter, pause, editing, pauses, cue, with, detection, divide, at, CUE

Audio To MIDI VST (PC) - WIDI VST plugin to transcribe AUDIO to MIDI.Audio To MIDI VST (PC) 1.10

 WIDI Audio To MIDI VST plugin to convert polyphonic Audio to MIDI automatically. Displays signal spectrum, detected notes and chords in the plug-in window. Improves recognition quality with adjustable parameters. A built-in MIDI recorder.

Related keywords: to, midi, wave to midi, widi, chord recognition, audio to midi, MP3 to midi, wav to midi, recognition, VST, plugin, music recognition, Cubase, chord, music, wav, MP3, wave, audio

J. River MEDIA CENTER - Complete media solution audio video images TVJ. River MEDIA CENTER 20.0.63

 Complete media solution for large libraries. Organize, play, tag all media files. Rip, Burn, serve to Xbox, PS3, UPnP, DLNA, TiVo. Audiophile quality, Ten foot mode, remote control, Netflix, Hulu, Youtube. Automatic DirectShow configuration.

Related keywords: media, frontend, WAV, video player, encode, zones, photo manager, HTPC, tag, DVD, mp3, multimedia, rip, FLAC, UPnP, burn, PSP, media player, jukebox, audiophile, streaming, TiVo, organize, media center, DirectShow, player, Youtube, DLNA, Hulu, TV, Netflix, photo, video, center, manager

Audio Record Wizard - Record sound from any source to MP3 files.Audio Record Wizard 7.21

 Audio Record Wizard will record streaming audio, voice, radio, YouTube audio, sound from any computer program to the WAV or MP3 file format directly and with the highest quality. Voice activation and file length limitation systems are available.

Related keywords: record, recorder, mp3 recorder, record wav, sound, sound recorder, record sound, mp3, record mp3, audio, record audio, audio recorder, wav

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