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Visual MP3 To Wav Converter - MP3 to WAV (PCM) or 10 compressed wav formatsVisual MP3 To Wav Converter 1.2.6

 Visual MP3 To Wav Converter is a member of the award-winning Visual MP3 Family. Unlike its competitors, the Visual MP3 To Wav Converter not only supports the normal wav format (Microsoft PCM Wav), but also 10 different compressed wav formats.

Related keywords: mp3, to, wav, mp3 decoder, mp3 to wav converter, convert mp3 to wav, mp3 to wav, convert, decoder, converter

Acoustica MP3 Audio Mixer - Acoustica MP3 Audio Mixer 2.471

 A basic tool with graphic interface to record, overdub and mix sound, easily adjusting three standard effects (volume, pan, and playback rate). Group a number of sounds in Sound Groups for better navigation and editing. Supports MP3, WAV, WMA, RA.

Related keywords: audio, mix, editor, acoustica, mix mp3, combine tracks, audio mixer, mp3, music mix, sound editor, mixer, mix audio, audio editor, mp3 mixer, tracks, music, sound, combine

AudioAlchemy MP3 Edition - Quickly and easily convert all formats to MP3AudioAlchemy MP3 Edition 3.01

 Fast, easy-to-use, and highly configurable conversion tool that provides settings for speed, quality, bitrate, frequency, and much more. Convert from CD, WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG, AIFF, AU, FLAC, AAC, AC3, ADPCM, ALAC, MP4, M4A, and more to MP3 in a snap.

Related keywords: ac3, pcm, m4a, flac, wma, encode, alac, au, decode, mp4, adpcm, aiff, aac, wav, convert, mp3, cd, ogg, wavpack, converter, raw, conversion

All To WMA Converter - Convert MP3,OGG and WAV to WMA with ID3v2 TagAll To WMA Converter 1.77

 This audio converter allows you to convert your MP3,OGG and WAV files to WMA 9 format directly from Explorer with ID3v2 Tag support. You can start conversion by right-click on selected audio files and selecting &Convert to WMA& from context menu.

Related keywords: wma, to, mp3 to wma, wav to wma, wma encoder, wma converter, ogg to wma, encoder, wav, mp3, ogg, converter

Allok WMA MP3 Converter - WMA MP3 WAV MP2 OGG MP2 audio ConverterAllok WMA MP3 Converter 1.1.0

 Allok WMA MP3 Converter is a super and ease-to-use tool that directly converts audio format MP3,WAV(PCM,DSP,GSM,ADPCM), WMA,MP2,OGG from one format to another format. It Support batch conversion, and supports edit ID3 tags for all format audio files.

Related keywords: audio, encoder, MP3, WMA, WAV, Music, audio converter, MP3 WMA Converter, Audio encoder, mp3 converter, OGG, Sound, MP2, converter, mp3, Converter, Audio

MP3 Boss - MP3 Database & Manager - Easily/fully manage and play your musicMP3 Boss - MP3 Database & Manager 0.683

 MP3 Boss allows you to easily/fully manage and play your music files. Integrated Winamp support, auto scanning, extensive database functions (sort, search, filter, report), file management, file cleanup and many special functions.

Related keywords: Lyrics, gnutella, search, napster, winamp, songs, files, filters, renames, titles, plays, duplicates, manages, reports, music, category, cleanup, sorts, ID3v1, mp3, CDR, moves, player, ID3v2, tags, manager, database, album, artist, scan, organizer

Fast Audio Converter - Convert you music files to any popular formatFast Audio Converter 2.5

 Fast Audio Converter is a simple but capable converter between MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, etc. It allows to extract audio from video files and includes a tag editor and a batch converter. The converter offers fast conversion speed and excellent quality.

Related keywords: mp3, to, converter, wma, decoder, wav, ogg, wma decoder, ogg to mp3, ogg decoder, wma to mp3, mp3 to wav, ogg converter, convert, convert wma to mp3, ape converter, mp3 converter, wma converter, mp3 decoder, convert mp3 to wav, mp3 encoder, flac to mp3, wav converter, ape, flac, encoder

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