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Video Converter Studio
Guitar Speed Trainer 1.38
If you want to play FAST... if you want to develop serious guitar picking speed, the Guitar Speed Trainer is a play-along training software that will help you achieve your goal. 20 minutes a day for a few weeks will make a revolution in your playing.Related keywords: Guitar, Scales, Fast guitar, Guitar software, Guitar solo, Guitar speed, Improvisation, Shredding, Guitar technique, Fast, technique, software, speed, guitar, solo
CyberLink Media Suite 8
CyberLink Media Suite 8 - Create it · Play it · Organize it · Share itRelated keywords: video, Cyberlink, photograph, copy, CD, slideshow, movie, video editing, backup, avchd, blu-ray, DVD, editing
MagicScore Maestro 7 8.171
MagicScore Maestro is a music notation software which provides easy note entry with the computer keyboard, virtual piano or a MIDI keyboard, offers a long list of musical instruments, and supports fast editing. Saves music in MusicXML, MIDI, Karaoke.Related keywords: music, notation, editor, sheet, score, software, music notation program, music notation editor, composing music, program, music notation software, make music, music notation, sheet music program, composing, sheet music editor, sheet music software, music composing software, notation editor, music composer, music score editor, composer, make
DSSF3 Full system Version 5.2.x.x
Various sound measurement can be performed using a various functions in the realtime analyzer.DSSF3 is the world's highest class measurement system equipped with the latest technology.Related keywords: analyzer, oscilloscope, sweep, delay, audio, SPL, IACC, Tsub60, concert, sound, spectrum, IACF, measurement, FFT, signal, ACF, wave, pulse, realtime, noise
QuickVoice for OSX 2.2.0
QuickVoice's elegantly designed interfaces facilitate one-click operation for most features such as: recording, playback, voice emaiing and voice stickies creation. Recording is seamless and easy, simply click and speak!Related keywords: voice, audio, recorder, recording, voice recorder, editor, itunes, reminder, manager, voice email, notes, audio recorder, email
AudioCD MP3 Studio Suite 3.10
The complete digital music solution: Rip, edit, convert, record, repair and burn!Related keywords: Music-Tools, Multimedia, Audio
MagicScore Maestro 6 6.201
MagicScore Maestro is a music notation application with extended editing capabilities and internal spell-checker. It features a variety of input methods - virtual keyboard, external MIDI devices, or an extended set of musical symbols.Related keywords: music, notation, score, software, music notation program, composing music, chord, program, editor, midi keyboard, music notation software, music notation, sheet music program, sheet, composing, Note, sheet music software, guitar, music composing software, music score editor, music composer, notation editor, midi, composer, keyboard
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